Hi, I am


Fred is the side of me that is the expert in creating brands that attract audiences. Fred’s preferred tools are research, strategy, brand creation and visualisation. He’s obsessed with creating and bringing to life unique brand ideas.

On the other side, there’s Eric. He will transform a brand into one that retains customers. He happily flexes his strategy, customer journey mapping, planning, and creative muscles for your brand.

Fred+eric is the sum of all my experiences working on all aspects of brand creation for the past twelve years.



and you are
something else.


You’re not here to build the Airbnb of …, the Monzo of .., or the Uber of … You’re here to become the you of your industry.

So, let’s get started and let’s turn your business into a magnetic brand that attracts and retains the audience you deserve.


Oh, the things we’ll be doing!


Gain the
insight you need

Understand where your current brand is, analyse your current brand experience and get up close with your audience.

  • We really want to get started on creating the brand. But as much as we’d like to, we need to understand and set our goals. By getting up close with your brand, the market, and your audience, we’ll better understand how retention-ready your brand currently is, uncover the gaps across your current brand experience, what the opportunities in the market are for your brand and help us really understand your ideal customers.

    A comprehensive report with findings, insights, the opportunities to improve, as well as recommended actionable next steps wraps up this phase.

Build your
Brand DNA

Create the new building blocks of your magnetic brand. Explore, test and define your Brand DNA.

  • With all the insights freshly on our minds, we dive right into the fun bit to create your Brand DNA. By combining strategic and creative thinking in one smooth process, we create clarity and direction, and (re)define your brand’s building blocks to help it be relevant and attractive to the right audience.

    We’ll use bespoke retention-centred strategic frameworks, brand prototyping and A/B testing to build for retention. At the end of the process, you will know the building blocks of your brand: Mission, vision, subscription pledge, narrative, values, and a visual brand mood board.

Design the
Brand Experience

Get the playbook and the tools to help you conquer the hearts of your audience and create a retention-worthy brand experience.

  • A brand with retention at its core doesn’t stop with an identity. It’s where it starts. It requires considered behaviour that attracts and retains. Creating these behaviours across the touchpoints of the customer journey are the key to optimal retention. That’s where brand guidelines fall short.

    That’s why, based on my Retention Journey Framework, we create a clear and actionable playbook instead. It will help you put your brand into action across all four quarters of the Retention Journey.

Get support
along the way

Get optional regular brand guidance along the way, once your brand is up and running.

  • This is your direct line to ongoing advice and guidance while you bring your magnetic brand to life. It is available for periods of two, six or twelve months, with bi-weekly check-ins or tailored to your needs, after finishing the branding process.


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