Jump to your audience


The audience you need to scale is waiting. Build the brand strategy that gets you to them.


the problem


👇You are here. Your audience is over there👉.


Here you are. A great startup. An amazing product. Funding. Product'/market fit. All set to go big. Ready to reach for the audience you need to scale.

And there they are, somewhere. You know they are. You can feel it. You’ve even got the traction to prove it. But somehow it seems to cost you a lot of effort to get them to notice you or convince them consistently.

It’s time to plan the jump towards your audience, make your brand more bouncy, and launch towards them, faster, higher, and with a triple frontflip mid-air on the way.

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symptom 1

💸It’s costing you too much (money and effort) to acquire customers

symptom 2

😕People don’t seem to get how you are different

symptom 3

🧲You are not attracting your ideal customers consistently

symptom 4

🔥You know churn should and can be lower

something else

You’re not here to build the Airbnb of …, the Monzo of .., or the Uber of … Now that you’re about to take the next step and grow even faster, it’s time to claim your business’ own territory and become the you of your industry.


the solution


📈Plan your brand to get you noticed, remembered and loved.

What if you could turn your brand into one that works hard for your business strategy? One that brings to life your vision in a way that people don’t just buy your product or service, but buy into it. A brand that inspires your audience and brings focus to your team. A brand that matters.

Fred+eric helps meaningful businesses like yoursyes, I’m looking at you 👀 to turn their brand into a trampoline brand.
When working together, I side with you and your team to build the DNA of your strategic and creative brand.

Let’s take your business to where it deserves to be.


process phases


Step back

Together, we assess the challenges and opportunities ahead. We look at your business, your goals, your ideal audience, your market and your place in it.


Run up

We identify the best route to the hearts and minds of your audience.
We develop your brand strategy and build the plan for what to do next.

Take off

It’s time to flyyyyyy. We turn the plan into reality. Fred+eric guides you through the journey, as we involve the right people to bring the brand to life (eg designer, developer,…)





Hi, I’m Fred


I’m a hands-on brand strategist with 15 years of experience. I love working with visionary founders and their teams to help them achieve bigger and more sustainable impact. I help them build their brand as the trampoline between their business and their audience.


Who’s Eric?




Eric, that’s (y)our team

Brands aren’t built by great strategy alone. To make the most of your brand, we need the best people to make it all come to life. Enter the Erics (or Ericas). Eric stands for any external experts we want to bring into the project. They can be designers, copywriters, web developers,… Whoever we need, I’ve got the right network to tap into or we can bring your own team into the project.

  • "Revisiting and refocussing our brand strategy and identity with Frederic has helped us grow and enter new cities in a scalable way."

    Sander, Founder, Cargo Velo

  • "Frederic helped us craft a credible brand story that communicates who we are better than we imagined."

    Ahmed, Co-Founder, Access Infinity

  • "When we got stuck going around and around rethinking our brand, Frederic worked with us to see a new way through. "

    Christian, Co-founder, Sword & Stone

Want to chat brand?

I’ve got time for you! Pick some here. No obligations.

Oh, the things
we could do!


Brand Story

An in-depth look at your brand and the world around it.

Full rebrand

Testing brand prototypes in the real world to inform your decision.


Positioning workshop

Defining the DNA of your brand, and mapping out how to bring it to life


Working with creative partners to make your brand come to life.


Some of your
brand’s new tricks


Making your business stand out.

Everything starts at being noticed. Let’s build a strategic brand that helps you stand out from the crowded market, for the right reasons.

Letting your audience
come to you.

An audience that really gets what you are doing doesn’t need to be sold to. This is where I drop “lower CAC”. Boom.

Supercharging your
growing team.

A scalable brand turns all heads of a fast-growing team in the same direction and keeps energy levels high to keep up momentum.

Attracting passionate

With a strong and clear brand in place, passionate profiles that want to join you in your mission will find their way to your business.

Other Trampoline Brands



  • If you are a business that has learned and grown a lot and would now love to speak to an even larger and better audience but don't know how, then yes, it probably is. If you are an ambitious business that wants to change things for the better and would love for more people to love your business and products for the right reasons, then yes, it probably is.

    If you love working with external consultants that think they know more about your brand than you do, then no, it is not.

  • The Trampoline Brand is a set process, but the scope of each of its steps can adapt to the requirements of your business. As a rule of thumb, a typical process can be split into 4 weeks to take all the steps needed before starting to create the brand with external partners + 8 weeks for creation of the visual identity and creative deliverables. Please get in touch to assess your specific challenge ahead.

  • Fred+eric are both one and the same person. I split up my full name into two parts as I see every collaboration as a partnership.

    A partnership between strategy and creative.

    A partnership between yourself and me.

    A partnership between the business and its audience.

    And where needed, a partnership between us and external experts (like great designers, animators, developers and others), or your in-house team(s).

Get in touch

Ask me anything about the Brand Leap or reach out to talk about your brand.